SpringServe Expands Integration with IRIS.TV to Provide Publishers with Contextual Targeting for Direct Deals

Magnite Team

August 30, 2022 | 1 min read

We are excited to announce that IRIS-enabled™ streaming, FAST, and CTV publishers can now access contextual and brand safety data from IRIS.TV’s data partners inside Springserve’s ad serving management platform for direct deals.  

This is an expansion of a relationship announced last year that enabled publishers to add video-level contextual data via SpringServe’s platform. In June, we announced new capabilities for forecasting within the platform. Now that publishers can utilize contextual targeting for direct deals, SpringServe has further streamlined the process for utilizing content data for advertising campaigns.

With these new capabilities, publishers can further improve the outcomes for advertisers and shift larger TV budgets into CTV by providing linear buyers with the level of data they expect.

To learn more about these capabilities, please reach out to your SpringServe representative.

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